Is Northern Ireland Safe To Travel

Safety Aspect for Travelling in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland is a country famous for its breath-taking landscapes, a wealth of culture and activities, and the warmth of the locals and is, therefore, an area of the world that has become increasingly popular with travelers. This has brought forth concerns about how safe Northern Ireland is for tourists, considering its turbulent political past.
For starters, Belfast is not the most ideal city for travelers as it has a reputation for sectarian violence and political tensions. Despite the slow improvement in the security situation in Belfast, the violence is still a concern for travelers and due to this, tourists are generally encouraged to limit their movements in the city to well-lit, populated and peaceful areas.
Moreover, Northern Ireland is largely considered to be a safe destination for travelers. According to the Global Peace Index 2019, it is ranked as the 19th safest country in the world and is classified as very low risk. In fact, the BBC ranked Belfast as the 10th safest major city in the world in 2015.
Furthermore, despite occasional tumbles between religious and political groups, there is a noticeable decrease in major criminal activities in the country. In 2017, statistics revealed an arresting 10% drop rate in the amount of crime witnessed in Northern Ireland. This has, therefore, played an imperative role in enhancing the safety of locals and visitors alike.
Another prominent aspect of the safety in Northern Ireland is that it has a robust police presence. The police are widely present in larger cities such as Belfast and work hard to identify potential threats and deter those who choose to break the law.
When talking about violence, the risk of terrorist attacks in Northern Ireland is very low. In fact, most incidences of violence are widely associated with basic criminality rather than political motivations.

Healthcare Availability

The UK has an outstanding healthcare system, especially compared to other countries in the European Union; Northern Ireland is no exception. Locals and visitors can expect to be provided with the highest quality of medical care.
At most tourist destinations, there is an abundance of doctors, chemists, and hospitals equipped to tackle any kind of medical emergency. Furthermore, most of these facilities are open 24/7 and even have specialized centers for obstetrics, pediatrics and geriatrics.
Moreover, travelers can also expect to find pharmacies dispersed throughout the region. These centers are fully equipped with prescription drugs and can also assist with doling out over-the-counter medication.
The UK benefits from a comprehensive healthcare system, with the NHS (National Health Service) covering most of the medical expenses of visitors to Northern Ireland. In addition to this, tourists are highly encouraged to invest in health insurance prior to their wider travels across the region.

Safety Tips for Tourists

Despite the overall low risk of encountering any serious security threats, it is best for tourists to be aware of some travel tips for safety in Northern Ireland.
Firstly, travelers are encouraged to keep their belongings close at all times. Secondly, tourists should not engage in political conversations with locals as this can often lead to them experiencing hostility and aggression.
Moreover, it is best to stick to the main roads when travelling in the region. Tourists should never leave their car in desolate areas or risk getting lost in the unwelcoming wild of Northern Ireland.
When partaking in any kind of outdoor activity, such as hikes and camping trips, it is important to plan the journey in advance and have first-aid equipment and resources readily available. It is also highly recommended to carry a map of the region.

Accommodation Safety

Travelling in Northern Ireland is considered to be safe and each tourist destination has a variety of well-maintained, secure and affordable accommodations.
For starters, budget travelers will find that there is an abundance of cheap hostels equipped with all the basic amenities. They are also adequately staffed and monitored by security guards.
Aside from this, Northern Ireland offers luxurious alternatives too. Hotels and B&Bs are an incomparable favorite of visitors due to the abundance of services and facilities they offer. These accommodations are also heavily monitored, ensuring the safety of both locals and visitors.

Money Matters

Tourists in Northern Ireland are able to withdraw money from ATMs and visit most banks without worrying about the security threats. However, being aware of the risk of being pickpocketed or street robbed can prevent tourists from experiencing such a status of vulnerability whilst in the region.
In order to ensure financial safety when travelling in Northern Ireland, travelers can opt for services like HSBC travel money cards. These cards can be used to withdraw local currency without having to worry about visiting a bank or swiping a traditional credit/debit card.

Transportation & Driving

Northern Ireland has grown to become a preferred vacation spot for travelers and, as a result, there are a plethora of transportation options available. Locals and tourists can make use of reliable public services that range from specialized bus tours to taxis and trains.
In addition to this, tourists who opt to drive around Northern Ireland have the advantage of considerable safety. However, this can only be guaranteed if they familiarize themselves with the traffic laws of the region and follow proper road safety measures.

Emergency Numbers & Contacts

All visitors to Northern Ireland are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the emergency services available across the region. To report any intruders or criminals, all travelers can dial 999 or 112.
In addition to this, the British government has made sure visitors are always aware of the options available and have designated signs across busy areas as an extra precaution.

Stay Informed of Developments

As with travelling anywhere, staying informed is key to keeping safe. In the case of Northern Ireland, tourists must be aware of how to prepare for any rallies, protests, or demonstrations during their travels.
It is also important to stay up-to-date with any changes in policing at certain areas or airports. This can be easily done by tuning in the independent local news for updates on the situation in different cities and regions.
Additionally, it is best to research the region extensively with specific focus on Northern Ireland to ensure that all safety concerns are taken care of.

Respect Local Culture & Customs

Northern Ireland is renowned for having a distinctive culture and locals take pride in their social identity. As such, visitors to the region are expected to respect and appreciate the customs and culture of locals.
This includes refraining from any conversations that touch upon the political sensitivity of the region. Tourists should also be mindful of the local rules and regulations in order to ensure they do not run afoul of them.
Finally, it is essential for travelers to familiarize themselves with the local culture and be respectful of the beliefs of the locals. Very few people in Northern Ireland appreciate offensive jokes about certain elements of their culture and/or issues that involve violent death.

Hilda Meadows

Hilda R. Meadows is an Irish author passionate about writing about her homeland. She is especially interested in exploring the culture and history of Ireland, and loves to share her knowledge with readers from all over the world. In her spare time, Hilda loves to travel around Ireland and explore its beautiful landscapes. She is an avid reader, and believes that literature is the best way to truly understand a culture.

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