Where Do People In Ireland Buy Event Tickets

In Ireland, a variety of channels exist for people to obtain tickets for events. According to research from the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, there were 638 million visits to cultural events in Ireland in 2019. With the surge in popularity for events such as gigs, sports games, and comedy shows, having a range of options for buying tickets is essential.

The traditional way to purchase tickets is in-person, through a box office or retail outlet. Major venues and arenas will generally have their own box office located at the physical site. These offer customers the opportunity to handpick their seats, and provide excellent convenience for those who are close to the venue. However, the pandemic has shifted the preference of attending events in person. Therefore, venues are now often relying on digital sales for most events.

Online ticket vendors have become the go-to choice for most events in 2020. Sites like Ticketmaster and See tickets are some of the most popular providers of tickets in Ireland, with customers gaining access to a massive range of events, ranging from the Super Bowl to gigs in small bars. These sites have large databases of events, and customers are sometimes offered deals and discounts. Although occasional fees and charges are added to the ticket price, many people prefer the convenience of buying from a website. In 2020, it has been reported that the two sites mentioned facilitated over €130 million in ticket sales in Ireland.

Another way to buy tickets in Ireland is through a small, independent ticket retailer. These retailers sometimes have physical stores, though they have embraced digital sales through apps like WeGotTickets, and even their own bespoke websites. While there are generally fewer events on these sites, customers can still buy tickets for many events such as small gigs and festivals. Furthermore, these independent sites often offer lower prices than the bigger sites mentioned, providing more of an incentive to buy.

Naturally, those who are looking for tickets for specific events will often purchase from the venue itself. Tickets for festivals, sporting events, and shows can often be bought through the official website or app. These can offer extra benefits like exclusive access to offers and discounts. Although there can be intermittent online issues, customers generally receive the tickets almost immediately, adding to the convenience.

At times, people are lucky enough to obtain tickets through fellow contacts. Fans may inquire about ticket sales on message boards or social media groups, to see if contacts have second-hand tickets to sell. This often helps customers find the tickets at lower prices, since vendors generally inflate prices due to demand. It is also one the most reliable methods to find out about tickets that have already sold out in other methods.

The Repercussions of Buying Event Tickets Online

Certain issues can arise when buying tickets online for events in Ireland. Despite the convenience of buying from the internet, there are times when mistakes occur. At times, people buy tickets from the wrong person, leading to them being turned away at the gate. In some cases, tickets that have already been bought may be put up for sale again, leading to multiple buyers per ticket. This problem is also present when tickets are bought from resellers, who do not always make it clear that they are selling second-hand tickets.

Also, tickets sold online can sometimes come with hidden fees or charges. These can add a substantial amount to the billed amount, angering customers and leaving them feeling cheated. Furthermore, these fees often make it impossible for customers to get a refund in the case of an event being cancelled or postponed.

The Measures Needed to Prevent Such Issues

The Irish government should take more measures to ensure that customers feel safe when purchasing event tickets. One way to do this is by creating a governing body to oversee the industry, managing prices and ensuring that buyers are adequately protected. The committee should also implement measures that encourage people to use reputable online ticket guidelines, while also outlining the punishments to those who breach the rules. This should help to provide much more transparency in the industry, so consumers can be at ease when booking tickets.

It has also been suggested for the government to work more closely with event organisers, and to hold proper enforcement of existing regulations. Being vigilant against unethical practices like the reselling of tickets at inflated prices can help to protect members of the public from being taken advantage of. Furthermore, it would be beneficial for the government to work more closely with tech companies to improve the sector in the long term.

The Impact of Covid-19 on the Event Ticket Sector

2020 saw a remarkable change across the event ticket sector due to the Covid crisis. This included swift and drastic changes in rules and regulations, as well as more than 638 million visits to cultural events in the country, dropping by almost 97%. This had significant repercussions on those in the industry, as they were forced to close down and try to come up with different strategies.

In particular, the pandemic led to the development of innovative plans from many, including the use of virtual queues, contactless payments, and reduced capacity limits. For instance, people now have to register to attend events in advance, and can only do so if they have not been in contact with anyone with Covid. Despite this set-back, many businesses have worked hard to find a way around the problem, and have even adjusted their pricing structures to account for the reduced number of people allowed at events.

The Benefits of Events to the Irish Economy & Society

The event ticket industry in Ireland has had a significant effect on both the economy and society as a whole, with events playing a crucial role in keeping communities together. Such events provide a valuable form of entertainment, leading to increased revenue for businesses and employment opportunities in the different sectors.

Events also lead to cultural growth. In recent years, the number of festivals and other types of events has increased significantly. With artists from Ireland and beyond performing, these events have provided a platform for contemporary music and culture to be showcased. This has enriched the Irish culture and has provided a platform for social gathering and conversation.

More people buying tickets for events can help to sustain the Irish economy and provide financial growth for the country. With the right measures in place, the industry can drive more value and visitors to the country. This can lead to the growth of the tourism sector, while also helping to drive up employment numbers.

The Challenges of Events During a Pandemic

Although there is recognition of the business and community benefit of events, there still remain many challenges that need to be addressed. For one, safety concerns remain at the forefront of planning events during the pandemic. Most venues have had to implement additional safety requirements like compulsory face masks, temperature checks and social distancing measures. This has often led to a decrease in ticket sales, with many people opting not to attend large events due to health concerns.

Furthermore, the pandemic has put under greater scrutiny businesses selling tickets online for events. With the increased demand for digital events, there has been an increase in the competition to host digital events. This has forced many businesses to lower their prices, while also introducing additional add-ons such as livestreaming so as to remain competitive. Despite this, profit margins remain very tight for many in the sector.

Public Perception of Events During the Pandemic

The pandemic has also had an effect on the public perception of events. With many restrictions still in place, many do not feel safe attending events. Meanwhile, the general public remains unsure as to when it is safe to gather in large numbers. Event organisers have to play it safe when it comes to hosting, and need to constantly refine their strategies to make sure events are still enjoyable and worth attending.

Furthermore, people’s attitudes towards digital gatherings have also had to change. With more events taking place online, people have had to become accustomed to the methods of virtual events, and be comfortable attending them. As such, event organisers have had to become more creative with their programming, and strive to make digital events as exciting as the physical ones.

The Future of Event Ticket Sales in Ireland

It is difficult to make any reliable assumptions about the future of events in Ireland. There have been many changes to the industry since the pandemic, and the general public’s attitude towards events continues to evolve. As such, it is safe to assume that the industry is likely to be more volatile than before, with rapid changes a near certainty.

However, one trend that is already evident is the increased reliance on digital ticket sales. This may not be the case forever, but it is clear that the technology can support smaller venues as well as larger ones. As long as businesses are agile in responding to the changing situation, digital ticket sales are likely to remain an integral part of obtaining tickets in Ireland.

John Wilder

John F. Wilder is a writer based in Dublin, Ireland. He specializes in articles about Irish culture, history, and politics. He has been writing for various publications for over a decade and has an extensive knowledge of Irish culture. He has traveled extensively throughout Ireland, and has a deep love of its culture and history. He is passionate about promoting a positive image of Ireland, both at home and abroad.

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