Where To Buy A Bodhran In Ireland

The Bodhran is an Irish drum that is often used in traditional Irish music. It has a unique sound and is usually played in the traditional way – with a tipper or stick. The Bodhran is a widely-used percussion instrument, and it can be found all over the world. But when it comes to finding a quality Bodhran in Ireland, there are few names that come to mind. In this article, we will look at the best places to find a Bodhran in Ireland.

National Music Retailers
Most major music retailers in Ireland will stock Bodhrans, and some of these companies will specialize in instruments from Irish makers such as Dave Higham. The selection will be limited, but they may have some chances of one-off or used models from high-end name brands such as Goldtone or Ome. The prices can range from around €100 to €2,000 or more.

Online Stores
A quicker and more convenient way to find a Bodhran in Ireland is to go online. There are several Irish-based stores such as The Celtic Music Store and Folk in Ireland which sell Bodhrans and other Irish instrument. Additionally, online retailers such as Thomann offer a wide variety of Bodhrans and accessories from all over the world. Prices can range from €50 to €1,000 or more, depending on the quality of the instrument and its accessories.

Online Auction Sites
Online auction sites like ebay.ie are a great way to find Bodhrans in Ireland. As with any online purchase, it is important to research the seller, read reviews of the product, and make sure you know exactly what you are getting. The prices can range from €20 to €1,000 or more, depending on the condition and quality of the instrument.

Local Music Shops
The best way to find a Bodhran in Ireland is to visit a local music shop. Local stores like Flight Of The Earls, in Dublin, specialize in Irish instruments and will have a wide selection of Bodhrans from all of the major brands. Prices can range from €100 to €2,000 or more. Additionally, you have the chance to talk to a knowledgeable person about the instrument and how to get the most out of it.

Craft Fairs and Markets
If you are looking for unique and handmade Bodhrans, then craft fairs and markets are the place to go. There are several festivals in Ireland that have Bodhrans on sale, such as the Ennis Traditional Music Festival. Additionally, there are markets like the Dublin Irish Fair where crafters will have unique instruments for sale. Prices can range from €100 to €2,000 or more, depending on the quality, materials used, and the maker.

Instruments Made By Irish Makers

If you are looking for a quality Bodhran in Ireland, then it is worthwhile looking for one made by an Irish maker. These makers use traditional methods and create instruments that have a unique Irish sound. Some of the most renowned makers include Dave Higham and John Moran. Prices for these instruments vary depending on the model, and they can range from €100 to €2,000 or more.

Second Hand Instruments

If you are looking for a quality Bodhran at a lower price, then it may be worth considering a second hand instrument. There are a few reputable shops in Dublin that specialize in second hand instruments, such as the Irish Music Exchange. Additionally, websites such as DoneDeal and Gumtree often list second hand Bodhrans for sale. Prices can range from around €50 to €1,000 or more, depending on the condition and quality of the instrument.

Renting a Bodhran

It is also possible to rent a Bodhran in Ireland. Renting is a great option if you want to try out an instrument before committing to buying it. There are a few music shops in Dublin, such as Rock On Music, that offer instrument rental services. Prices vary depending on the model and how long you want to rent the instrument for.

Repairs and Maintenance

When buying a Bodhran in Ireland, it is important to look for a shop that offers a repair and maintenance service. Companies such as Irish Drumming Co. in Dublin can repair and tune your Bodhran to ensure it produces the best possible sound. Additionally, shops like these offer a variety of replacement parts, such as skins, tuners, and accessories. Prices for these services vary depending on the type of repair or maintenance needed.

John Wilder

John F. Wilder is a writer based in Dublin, Ireland. He specializes in articles about Irish culture, history, and politics. He has been writing for various publications for over a decade and has an extensive knowledge of Irish culture. He has traveled extensively throughout Ireland, and has a deep love of its culture and history. He is passionate about promoting a positive image of Ireland, both at home and abroad.

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