Where To Buy Bells Of Ireland Plants

Bells of Ireland, which are also known as Shellflowers, are annual plants that have tall stems and bell-shaped flowers. They produce vibrant green leaves and have white, bell-shaped flowers. These plants are popularly used for decorations, bouquets, and as attractive filler plants. When looking for bells of Ireland plants, there are several factors to consider and a few options to explore.

When shopping for bells of Ireland plants, gardeners should consider hardiness, cost, and type. Hardiness refers to the plant’s ability to survive in a particular region and climate. Cost can range from a few dollars to up to $20 per plant depending on the size and type. Types online or at local garden centers include Barberton Daisy, Globeflower, and Spring Starflower.

Experts suggest shopping for bells of Ireland plants at local nurseries in the springtime. At nurseries, gardeners can ask for specific advice and information, as well as find plants of high quality. Additionally, gardeners can get advice about regional hardiness and any challenges particular plants may face in their climate.

Online purchasing can also be an option for bells of Ireland plants. Nativescape Nurseries is one of the leading online suppliers of flowers, shrubs, trees, and perennials. Buying a bells of Ireland plant from Nativescape Nurseries ensures a top-notch product. Additionally, they have a customer service team that is available seven days a week.

In addition to purchasing bells of Ireland plants, gardeners should learn about their care to ensure the plants thrive in their garden. Bells of Ireland are annuals, and should be planted in a location that receives full sun. Gardeners should also make sure to water them regularly and deadhead spent flowers to promote more flowering.

Gardeners can also check with their local extension offices for tips on where to obtain bells of Ireland plants. Additionally, local universities may also offer them for purchase at university-run nurseries. Botanical gardens and arboretums are often the best places to buy bells of Ireland plants, as these spaces typically have the most robust offerings of rare and unique plants.

When buying bells of Ireland plants, gardeners should also look into tools and materials that will make the plants’ care easier. Gardeners should use gloves and a trowel when planting bells of Ireland to prevent any damage to the plants or to the gardener’s hands. Additionally, gardeners with a large number of bells of Ireland plants can use a soil cutter to reduce time spent on planting or transplanting.

Preparing for Flower Bed

Before planting bells of Ireland in flower beds, gardeners need to prepare the soil. It is important to remove weeds and stones from the soil and to add organic matter such as compost. Additionally, if the soil is clay-like or is heavy in sand, gardeners can mix in dolomite lime and other amendments to improve the soil’s texture and drainage.

To ensure success, gardeners should also make sure that their planting plans are well thought out. Bells of Ireland plants can grow up to three feet tall, so gardeners should take into account the size and shape of the plants as they plan for a garden space. Additionally, gardeners should pay attention to spacing by planting tall plants further apart or by planting shorter plants near their base.

Gardeners should also consider companion plants when planning the flower bed. This includes colorful flowers like daisies or pansies which can brighten up the garden. Additionally, vegetables such as carrots and onions can be planted with bells of Ireland as they are tolerant of the soil conditions preferred by bells of Ireland plants.

Fertilizing and Pest Control

To ensure that bells of Ireland flourish in the flower bed, gardeners should use fertilizer and pesticides when necessary. If the plants appear droopy or start to develop yellow patches, then a dose of all-purpose fertilizer can be used. For pest control, gardeners should ensure that they are using the right pesticides to prevent damage to the plants.

In lieu of chemical insecticides, gardeners can use eco-friendly alternatives such as horticultural oil, neem oil, and garlic sprays. These eco-friendly solutions can help protect bells of Ireland from insect pests without harming the surrounding wildlife. Additionally, these alternatives can be used as foliar sprays or as soil treatments.

To keep bells of Ireland healthy and thriving, gardeners should mulch around the plants. Mulching prevents weeds from competing for soil nutrients and also conserves soil moisture. Additionally, Mulching also adds organic matter to the soil, which helps improve the soil structure and aeration.

Storing and Propagating Bells of Ireland

Once the growing season is over, gardeners can store bells of Ireland for future use. To store the plants, gardeners should cut off the whole plant from its roots and hang it upside down in an area with sufficient air circulation. This can help preserve the seed pods and keep them viable for the following season.

Bells of Ireland can also be propagated from seed. Seeds can be started indoors early in the season and then transplanted outdoors once the danger of frost has passed. Gardeners should ensure that they are starting the bells of Ireland in well-draining soil with a pH of approximately 7.0. Additionally, gardeners should avoid overwatering the growing flowers to prevent disease.

Cuttings and Divisions

For gardeners looking to replicate their bells of Ireland, cuttings and divisions can be a viable option. Growing a plant from a cutting requires a stem or piece of the plant which can be planted in moist soil. The cutting should root itself within a few weeks. Division requires splitting an established clump of the plant into two or more separate sections to produce new plants.

Propagating bells of Ireland by cuttings or division can help gardeners get the most out of their plants. This method also ensures that the plants remain in the same hardiness zone and are acclimated to the same soil and climate.


Finding bells of Ireland plants may take some effort. Shopping at local nurseries and online retailers can help ensure that the plant is of high quality and is suitable for the region. Once obtained, proper care and maintenance is required to ensure that the plants thrive in their garden. Additionally, gardeners can also propagate the plants from seeds, divisions, or cuttings to help them enjoy a larger variety of bells of Ireland plants each year.

John Wilder

John F. Wilder is a writer based in Dublin, Ireland. He specializes in articles about Irish culture, history, and politics. He has been writing for various publications for over a decade and has an extensive knowledge of Irish culture. He has traveled extensively throughout Ireland, and has a deep love of its culture and history. He is passionate about promoting a positive image of Ireland, both at home and abroad.

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